Due to neglect by Ian and Karen the Blog has undertaken to interview itself.....
Q: So Ian and Karen what has the first month in Wellington been like?
a) Sitting on a roundabout with everything whizzing by so quickly you cant take it in
b) A roller coaster - mostly highs and a few lows
c) A magical mystery tour - where you really dont know what to expect next
A: All of the above
Q: Whats work like?
I: Its fab! We have a team that is a bunch of fun, they sing a 'welcome' song for new people, and on your birthday you get to choose a cake and choose a song that everyone else must sing. There is beer, coke and champagne in the fridge. They seem to get a new shiny coffee machine each week. They have a bbq deck. They do work hard and get things done but its kind of hard to be too serious here! Liking the social research here, its quite like Scotland, but a bit less cheapskate!
K: Ummm.....I havent done any yet though I have been cleaning our house like a mad thing trying to get rid of the cat allergy I have from the previous tennants and also their "boy cleaning" tendancies. I went to Wellington volunteer centre to offer some free consultancy type work to charities while Im looking for work.
Over the last few weeks there have been lots of set up tasks and unfortunately shopping (our shipment is still not here!)...oh and I did go on a 10 day holiday with my friend Jen to the south island, which was fab! Jen is my oldest friend of the "Ive know her since I was 5yrs old sort".
I know there are a lucky people thinking of coming to visit so heres what we did in 10 days to give you an idea:
1 - Ferry from Welly to Picton and bus to Abel Tansman
2 - 1 day kayak along the coast. Started out a bit rough on the water and we sang songs to not think about sinking - well I did anyway. Thankfully the afternoon cleared up and Abel Tansman was transformed into the turqoise sea and white sand island cove bliss it usually is. Celebrated being back on dry land with gorgeous meal at park entrance.
3 - Hung around our backpackers with views over the bay and read books then walked into the park to find the perfect sandy bay.
4 - Spent forever on the bus down the west coast to Fox glacier. Sore back
5 - Woke up 7am with sore back so opted out of the full day glacier hike Jen was doing. Went back to bed and felt sorry for myself when at 10am decided since it was such a gorgeous day that Id go for a wee helicopter ride. It was great - I got to sit next to the pilot, we took off up the river plain then into Fox glacier valley - it was unbelievable to be at the top and looking down the glacier. We then went over a few snowy peaks to Franz Joseph glacier and out along a Jurassic Park green valley. The 20mins of the flight had me buzzed for the rest of the day, but even so I walked up to the glacier foot to read my book.
6 to 9 - Bus day to Queenstown where we stayed for a few days. Highlights were:
The chocolate shop
The luge - downhill go-karting
Eatting mussels by the lake
Biking up Arthurs point to suprise Jen who was doing a bungee swing, only to find after an hour uphill it was on a private road so I couldnt go there - still downhill was good
Posh spa where we sat in a hot tub with rain pouring down on us
By sheer fortune/ charm managed to get ourselves on the only non-cancelled flight leaving Queenstown (fog) at no extra cost
10+ Hung around Welly with Jen for a few days which Im really glad she enjoyed as its such a lovely city
Q: What is the weather like?
A: Mostly gorgeous and breezy with it. A few days it has bucketed rain including a southerly wind from the antarctic one night which left the house shivering cold and Karen running out the next day to buy an electric blanket and fix the heating
Q: Done anything fun in Welly so far?
A: Cuba carnival
Greek food festival
Photography club
Pilates (though its hardly fun with posture like mine)
BBQ at Ians work colleagues place
eatting lots of sushi (its so cheap)
Finding a church we like
lazing in the flower garden at the back of the house
Wellington city beach (unbelievably clean)
exploring the feast of cinema, theatre, restaurants to entertain us throughout the winter
Q: Most annoying things?
A: our stuff is still not here despite packing in Dec
the shipping companies measly compensation for not putting our stuff on the boat
the rental agent being completely unhelpful
being allergic to cats (karen)
Q: Most looking forward to?
A: enjoying new church
meeting the new Wellingtons social group for newbees
meeting friend Jo in the next few weeks
doing the Tongarara crossing with Pete this weekend
Karen getting a job with work colleagues as nice as Ians
The shipment getting here!
Q: What will you do to make up to the blog for not writing?
A: We will be slaves to the blog and write every week. we will respect the blog.