Been quite cultured this week, Ian and I went to see Snowcake last night which was just great – Alan Rickman was brilliant – its pretty thought provoking, though there are bits that make you laugh and cry and jump. Its a recommended go see if you are into the GFT or the QFT for that matter. On Thurs when Ian was working late I took myself to the eccentric Wellington Poetry Society – I was probably the youngest by about 20 years and with my red glasses and fuzzy hair probably blended reasonably well with the characteurs who were also there – most were aging hippies. The guest speaker was a poet from Belfast which was really nice as he stirred up images of the area my granny lived in and of the Belfast city centre. The best poem I heard all night though was by a school teacher type who had struggles with the pleasure and pain of chocolate and her poem ended with the brilliant lines: “inside, outside, in my bed. I'll eat chocolate till Im dead!”

Im constantly impressed by what a pretty city Wellington is. I walked the skyline which is a ridge walk along to hilltops which surrounds the city, it starts just down the road from our house and takes about 5 hours to walk. The best part is being able to see the sea on both sides of you (the picture above is of our neighbourhood from the ridge) and the way the sunsets over the long grass in ripples. From the other perspective Ian and I took a boat out to Sommes Island yesterday which is about 30mins boat ride from Wellington city. The island was used to quarantine the new settlers in the early 1900s, and then as an internment camp during WW2. You can still see the old buildings there today but it is mostly known as being a wildlife sanctuary. It takes about an hour to walk around but we spend most of the afternoon with our sushi lunch watching the yacht race in the sunshine from the top of the hill (ohh ya!). Sat on the top deck of the boat as a kind of endurance chill test in order to enjoy the view coming back into Wellington.
Ongoing annoyance is not being able to get moved out of the house and into another as the property management is rubbish. On the other hand our stuff finally arrived! So I took a trip out to the warehouse and filled a taxi with as many suitcases as I could, as we want to have the main delivery of our stuff to the new house. So beaming happy as I opened the cases to find lots of my nice warm clothes, skirts and shoes, it then dawned on me to my horror that hardly any of Ians things were in the suitcases! So I had to suppress my delight somewhat though I did find a suit and a jumper and a few pairs of socks for Ian!

Here is a wee picture of the back of our house.
Karen x
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