Although I hardly slept a wink the night before, moving house day went really well. I got help from people at church moving things, the shipment came on time with only 2 breakages – though I was annoyed to find out that the bike had no pedals and there were no screws to hold the table together. The pedals they eventually found in the rubbish the next day! Getting all our things was like Christmas and made our new place really feel like home, especially now we have the matching his n hers knitted water bottles, lots of nice art and pots and plates. About lunch time I was happily unpacking in the sunshine when a rainbow appeared on the wall next to me which made me feel very blessed to have such a nice place to live – so I took a photo of it:
Been in the new job a week or so now and am really enjoying it. Been on six sigma training (which is kind of a wow wee technique to making businesses efficient. Im also swotting up big time on NZ electricity where my first job will be. I thought it was interesting that 60% of NZ power is from hydro dams (which is great so long as it rains), there is no nuclear power and the whole thing works on a giant cable which runs from the south island (where all the hydro dams are) to the north island (where all the people live).
And despite my first impressions – its not a late hours place. I guess you’ve got to give everything a 2nd and 3rd chance.
Got the bike pieced together and its was looking brilliant so I took it out for a spin on Sunday which turned out to be the windiest day for ages (Ian was working in the office and wondered if the office was going to collapse when a mug fell of someones desk!) So needless to say I whizzed at super speed out past the lovely rugged scenery, not that different to the west coast of Scotland or Ireland but by the time I turned to come back I felt like a flea flying into a gale force 10 – I even had to push a bit of it. Even so this was in contrast to the blue skies and sun of the rest of the week so cant complain!
Wellington has been buzzing lately with the annual comedy festival. We went to the San Francisco Bathhouse to see Brendon Lovegrove who had funny insights such as NZ having a camped up Hakka to really scare off the opposition. At the other end of the intellectual scale we went to see Uncle Vanya a play by Checkov – very stimulating oh yah darling!
i recognise the sofa and the candles on the wall... almost like your old place back home. lang may yer lum reek!
...and that in English means?
trans: i do hope you have a long and pleasant sojourn in your current abode.
ian, call yourself a scotsman?!
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